JustinDupree's Journal

JustinDupree's Journal


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9 entries this month

08:53 Jul 30 2011
Times Read: 592

So my girl is completely better now from her sore throat issues. FUCKING AWESOME! I'm so glad she's better. I worry entirely to much, I know honey, but you're the most important person in my life and I don't like seeing you in pain. I was so frustrated in myself because I couldn't help or fix stuff and make you all better. That would have rocked to have been able to mend your throat right up and see you smile again. Your smile is like liquid fire igniting my soul in blissful euphoria. Yes, I made that up just now. :D I love you, thank you for being so awesome this whole month. You're the bomb. *hugs and kisses*




09:00 Jul 27 2011
Times Read: 599

So I'm pretty sad right now. I've been back a total of two days and some odd hours and they've already started arguing and shit again. It's like the whole time I'm gone their all nice and getting along but the moment I come back they're like "Oh, he's home. Lets put our heads back in our asses, we've enjoyed the fresh air but it's time to be dicks again" and to be honest? The only reason I didn't ask her if I could stay longer was my cats. I missed them. And since I'm being 100% honest here, they're the only thing I missed about this place and honestly that's sad that it has to be that way.



02:45 Jul 28 2011

I wish i could help

04:23 Jul 30 2011

I'm sorry to hear that it went back to home crap home. Geeeeez, man. That blows. I'm so very sorry. :(


06:38 Jul 25 2011
Times Read: 608

Came home today from my vacation/house watching thingy. Only one thing I can really say about that place. I want to go back ASAP! 3 big screen tvs, anything I wanted to eat, soda, my own room, satellite television, movies, books, video games, internet (although it was crawling slow) it's awesome there. The best part was I got to talk to my girl even though I wasn't home. That part was amazing because we really reconnected and got closer. I'm grateful for that. It's like we mended all that was wrong with us and now we're back to the top of our game. She really made me happy and I'm pretty sure I made her happy. So it's a win win all around. Sadly though she's got a horrible sore throat and her tonsils are swollen. And now it's moved into her ears so they hurt too and it's just a mess. I hope she feels better soon. I wish I could help her get better. I get kinda frustrated at myself because I can't make her feel better. *sighs*

On a different note though I actually slept 9/10 nights. Woot. I've needed to catch up on my sleep because since everyone here at my house seems to think it's more then acceptable to go outside at night, and sit until 4AM and then come in and wake their son up, I tend to not get much sleep. So recharging my batteries so to speak was much appreciated. Plus on top of all of that stuff she gave me a $40 gamestop gift card as payment. So that's a plus. (Sorry I forgot to tell you that baby, you were sick and I was worried so it kinda slipped my mind until I was taking my pants off to change into pajama pants and it fell out of my pocket. Sorry for leaving it out.) I'm not really sure what I'm going to get with it. Could get Dead Space 2, could get Assassins Creed Brotherhood, could get something else entirely. Could save it and then use it for God of War Origins when it comes out in November but I'm honestly not sure I'll keep it that long because I tend to get impatient with my video games purchasing XD So over all, awesome trip, great time and I had a blast. Thank you baby for making it so boss. Yes, you helped make it a really good experience and hopefully she'll go again in December like she thinks she might and hopefully if she does she'll let me come back. Okay, all done now. Feel free to doze off lol my ranting has gone on long enough. XD



08:50 Jul 26 2011

Awwwwww man, I am so sorry to hear that your sweetie has a sore throat...and that her ears hurt. I really do hope that she feels better fast! *sends her healing prayers*

Way cool that you two got some time to be close and that you had a much needed recharge. Awesome! :)


14:08 Jul 14 2011
Times Read: 629

So I'm here, watching my aunts house for ten days alone in the country. Uh WOOT! rofl I've needed a break from my family for a long time and this is the first time I've really had a chance to get away for a while. Yes, I know they'll be calling everyday and I couldn't sleep worth shit last night because Mark (her husband) Fucking snores. ALOT and she did wake me up (once I finally got to sleep) at 8:28AM to tell me her jeep has a flat and that she'd be having the dealer come repair it and that I needed to leave the key in the ignition and open the garage door but other then that I'm actually enjoying this and they haven't even left until 4Pm today. :)



02:26 Jul 15 2011

Enjoy some time away and take a well deserved breather. Btw, sorry to hear about the snoring and the flat. :P


01:39 Jul 11 2011
Times Read: 636

So I'm going to be starting the Insanity workout thinger here in a few days. Downloading the dvds now. I said before that I was going to do it but I could never find the dvds until now. That and I really want a certain someone to actually want me so I'm in the mood to change. I'll try and keep an updated journal about it on here. I could put it under potions but since I'm a regular member people would be like "Oh, lets go see his potions. Wtf? Working out? Bah!" So go me or something along those lines.



00:36 Jul 12 2011

That's freaking awesome. I wanted to try that out too. PLEASE DO keep us updated....I wanna hear more about it.

You want that snazzy shirt, huh? :P

14:05 Jul 14 2011

Do they still give you the shirt if you pirate the videos? XD rofl

08:52 Jul 26 2011

LMAO. No, but you can get a cool knock off that reads:

"I stole it."



The importance of July 8, 2011

07:01 Jul 08 2011
Times Read: 651

Today is my girl and mine’s 5 year anniversary. It’s a happy day for me. Not as happy as it could be but a happy day none the less. There’s a bunch of stuff I wanted to tell her on the phone today but she’s not in the best of moods and so I’ll just type it here so she can read it once she’s “super fucking bored” enough to check out my journal. It might be a long one as I’m not going to limit myself at all. I’m going to get a lot of stuff out and so keep that in mind. Lets dive in.

Five years ago today. Five years since we decided to be boyfriend and girlfriend. We’ve been through a lot together. Smiled together, laughed together, told stories together, cried together, and fought each other like cats and dogs on more then one occasion. I wouldn’t trade these last five years with you for anything. I wouldn’t give up the smiles, the laughs, the stories, the jokes, the tears or the fights. I wouldn’t give up everything we’ve learned and all the things we’ve experienced together for anything. Not for any amount of cash or any prized possession. I like being with you. I enjoy being your man. I enjoy spending time with you and I’m grateful we’ve lasted as long as we have. We’ve both changed a lot contrary to what you seem to believe and while I disagree with you about “nothing changing” I respect your feelings on it. We’ve both grown up a lot. We’ve both learned to put others before ourselves and we’ve both learned the limitlessness of love and how love has no distance. We’ve learned to work together, work apart on ourselves and then together again on us as a whole. We’ve grown together closer then ever and we’ve also worked out some problems that most couples never last long enough to work through. You’ve helped me through hard times and I’ve helped you through hard times. You’ve picked me up when I’ve fallen down and I’ve picked you up. You’ve nursed me back to health when I’ve been sick and I’ve cured countless headaches with simple temple rubbing. I know what you’re thinking. “Oh, you’re not here so it doesn’t really count” and all that jazz but to me it does. Distance doesn’t stifle my love for you. Distance doesn’t distill it and distance won’t defeat it.

We’ve had a lot of good times. Heart shaped names in the sand, Penis sofas, George Bush’s llamas and crazy black guy jokes. We’ve had heartfelt conversations about our dreams and our goals. We’ve watched the sun come up and listened to each other sleep while laying in each others arms. We’ve kissed away tears and crushed every single doubt the world could ever have on us. We’ve out lasted all the nay says and here says. We’ve conquered our own jealousy and our own arrogance only to let them fall back into place so we can do it all over again. We’ve slain personal demons and we’ve bested the giants of heartache. I’ve cried over you and you’ve cried over me. We’ve fought until we broke up only to figure out just how much we mean to one another and the reasons why we worked it all out and are stronger then ever. Five years of happiness for me anyway. Regardless of all the headaches and heart pains, laughter stitches and hoarse voices from talking 14 hours on the phone. We’ve done it all, said it all, and felt it all. And every single day I’ve experienced with you is a day I’d never give away.

I’ve made some bad decisions in life. We both have. I’ve fucked up many times and so have you. I’ve hurt you and you’ve hurt me. We fight and fight sometimes and other times we’re closer then the left hand is to the right. I rely on you and you rely on me. You may not want to admit what we’ve accomplished but I sure will. I’ve honestly found my soul mate with you. I know that in my heart. When a werewolf imprints on someone they just know. They know in their soul and in their heart that they want nothing to do with anyone else in the whole entire planet but that single person. They know in their minds that nothing will ever change that and nothing will ever come between them. Looks mean nothing to the imprinted. Flaws, emotional or psychological mean nothing. I don’t see yours. I know “You always point them out” but I don’t point them out as flaws. Or rather I don’t mean to. I mean to point them out partially so you see I realize everything about you and partially so you can work on doing your part for us. As annoyed as I sound when you say to me “you’re being a dick” I’m happy because I know you want me to help us just as much as I want you to help us. But more then that, I want you happy. That’s what I want more then anything. To see you smile. To hear your laugh, To watch your eyes light up the moment your lips start to twitch.

I love you. More then I’ve ever loved anyone else. More then I thought was possible for anyone to love anyone or anything. More then anyone ever will love anyone else. I love you with my complete heart and my entire soul. My love for you is like the universe. Vast and unexplored. There’s no end to the love I have for you because every day I love you more then the day before. Cliché yet entirely true. More so even then the green grass or the blue sky. As my sun and my moon my world needs you to continue on. I’m not too manly to say I need you. I need the light you bring into my world. The warmth of your arms around me. The feathery touch of your lips on mine and while you worry about this cursed distance I worry more about being the best possible boyfriend and husband I can be because I want to spend the rest of my entire life with you. I want to wake up every morning to the smell of your hair. I want to come home every night to the embrace of your arms. I want to fall asleep every evening with your body against mine and I want to dream the dream of the Gods for I cannot be happier as long as I have you. We’ve been through so much. We’ll go through so much more. You’ve changed, baby and so have I.

Five years is a long time and we are NOT the same people we were. You say nothing has changed? Everything has changed. We have changed. Us has changed and our future has changed. We’re not the same people we were five years ago. This relationship isn’t the same as it was five years ago and us as a unit isn’t the same as it was five years ago. A fire burns so brightly in my heart in the shape of your name sometimes I can feel it searing and melting every fiber of my beating heart. Molding every single inch of my soul into something new and different from what I was when I first met you. No longer do I care just about myself. No longer do I want only my happiness. I want your happiness. That’s why I’m going to continue to be the best I can possibly be. To work on everything I said I would and to remember every day just why I call you my soul mate. Without you, my live is half lived and incomplete. I love you so much. I really do. You’re my everything. My angel face. My lover, my soul mate, my wife and my friend. But more importantly then all of those? You’re my partner in life. The very best partner anyone could ask for. I wouldn’t trade you for anyone. Thank you for spending the last five years of your life with me and here’s to many many many more. I love you and I missed you today. Happy anniversary my soul mate. Xoxoxoxoxo



21:03 Jul 08 2011

I wish you both a Happy Anniversary!!! :)


05:58 Jul 07 2011
Times Read: 655

I want to smash my fist into the fucking wall right now. Or a metal door. Or anything else that might cause the stress and tension in my body to release somewhat. I've been stressing ALL DAY since the phone thingy and no one seems to see that. All my family is like "Oh, it sucks but it'll be replaced so no worries." but they don't know how things get with my girl and I when we can't talk. Things get bad. Real bad. They get tense and stressful and ahh! And to top everything off, I'm getting her emails late or whatever. *sighs* Can today get any worse? I've never done anything like that before. Never dropped my cell phone into anything other then my pocket and yet it feels like I've kicked myself in the balls. Which I kinda sorta have considering now it might take the whole 10 day vacation I'm going to get to fix things between my girl and I when it SHOULD be a time for us to reconnect and grow closer. I'm so pissed right now. So fucking pissed.




05:24 Jul 07 2011
Times Read: 663

So a couple of years ago my girl dropped her cell phone into the toilet at work. I got annoyed and asked her why she'd even take it in there with her and all that jazz. I'm not proud of it but I gave her shit for it. Today I did the same thing. Exactly the same situation. Put the phone in my pocket and it fell out into the bowl. Which sucks because now I can't talk to her and it also sucks considering I just got it like less then a week ago. It's covered on the replacement plan though (best nine dollars ever. I HIGHLY suggest you get it) and so they're going to mail me a box to ship it back in and they'll send me a voucher for a replacement phone from walmart. Good news right? Yup. And more good news, I kept my old phone and the new charger fixed the little charging issue I had with it. So that's another tid bit of good news. More good news, while I'm waiting on the new phone I can use the old phone because the minutes are transferable. Sounds like a decent situation considering how the day proceeded right? I thought so anyway. I'm trying really hard to stay optimistic. I know she's going to say "I told you so" though and to be honest? I deserve it. I told her "Oh, the phone won't go out in the foreseeable future. No worries baby. My word" and I fucking drop it in the john. It's my fault. Completely my fault. I'm a hypocrite for giving her shit for it when it happened to her and I feel about this big - about the whole situation. I'm sorry baby. I'm sorry for giving you shit when you dropped it, I'm sorry for taking it in there with me and I'm sorry for it falling out into the water and I'm sorry for telling you it wouldn't go out for a long time. I'm sorry for everything. I love you and I miss you. I really hope you aren't to pissed at me. But if you are it's okay cause I'm really fucking pissed at myself.




04:22 Jul 07 2011
Times Read: 665

So I'm waiting for you on YIM. I sent an email and everything. I love you and I miss you. xoxo *blows a kiss to his girl*



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